Monday, December 28, 2009

A world in a blade of grass

Today, outside of the house, my father's old truck is parked. It's a dark forest green Toyota pick-up truck. The tool racks and cabinets that he installed are still there. The fiberglass covered piece of wood that he placed in the bottom of the truck bed has deteriorated yet remains. This used to be my dad's work truck. He was a gardener and a landscape contractor in Santa Cruz, CA. After he died, the truck was sold to the parents of my dear friend Mark. It has been with them in Fresno,CA for seven years, give or take a few months. Two days ago Mark drove the truck from Fresno up to Portland,OR as he is borrowing it to move. He parked it in front of the house I now live in and graciously handed me the key so that I might drive it for a few days.
I look at this truck.
....I think of the many miles of road this truck has felt beneath its tires. I think of the dirt that encases it. Could there still be soil from Santa Cruz? From home? Just a small nugget clinging like an obstinate barnacle to the front license plate? It doesn't rain too often in Fresno so...hmmmm anythings possible right.
Is it true that I smell just a hint of fertilizer still wrapped in between the fibers of the seat covers...
...I think of the people that have driven this truck. What have their eyes seen? Did they listen to the radio or did they choose to listen in silence? Have there been tears shed in this truck? Have children played in this truck? How many beverages have been spilled in this truck? I try and look for traces.
...I think to myself, to my dad, " Hey, your car has had so many adventures since you've gone!" Then I think,.."that was a dumb thing to think....."
...I sat in the car today, in the drivers seat, and I thought of all that is silently shared between us and all that remains unknown or unspoken.
To my questions that will remain unanswered, I say,"I know."
There are little bits of dirt that have accumulated in the truck bed.In this dirt, miniature clumps of emerald green plant life has made a home for itself. I wonder if my father would like this..but then it occurs to me... little bunches of earth and plants in the bed of a gardener's truck!! It's so beautiful to me that I have to laugh.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Tell Me Why

Sailing heart-ships
thru broken harbors
Out on the waves in the night
Still the searcher
must ride the dark horse
Racing alone in his fright.
Tell me why, tell me why

Is it hard to make
arrangements with yourself,
When you're old enough to repay
but young enough to sell?

Tell me lies later,
come and see me
I'll be around for a while.
I am lonely but you can free me
All in the way that you smile
Tell me why, tell me why

Is it hard to make
arrangements with yourself,
When you're old enough to repay
but young enough to sell?

Tell me why, tell me why
Tell me why, tell me why

Friday, December 4, 2009

We Make a Fuss

alike and no different
and such as
tawdry vultures

We ready ourselves with
inherently sufficient devices

the idol
blackens our darkness
and we move our faces away from
gentle shadows

no wonder the resistance
no wonder the separation
and it is but a ripple
your seat and mine

A small thing and a grave loss

Were that we could embrace a little of both?
the dark and the light
just a little, just for now

a decent call to coalesce

would that the raven and the dove might hold one another upright
with kind regard