Thursday, December 23, 2010

Of the Earth's Wind

The winds have arrived,
safely again,
reminding us of our childhood nightmares.

Pale fear and violent desires coalesce,
whipped, folded, and colliding.
Colliding with concrete and trees,
that is we.

Strength in the wind, auspicious bond,
gathered like tribes over land and sea.
In close battlefields, the whispers of the trampled are carried.
Through depths of oceans, the soft lilt of forlorn shells are revealed
in the great roaring wails of the wind.

Of the earth’s wind,
we shake our fists in righteous disappointment.
Cursing the ineptitude of invisible sovereign’s,
we search as mad headless ghosts for refuge,
as if we
were not born

The wind ,
gorgeously maiming our lucid delusions.
Nights of falling shelters and interrupted morning's.
Light of steel wool streaming through the window
in unruly blades.
What say you to our task?

Until we are able to converse with the wind…

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