Monday, January 28, 2013

What would you do if...? Today, in promotore training, Miguel placed 4 large cards up in the auditorium in four different spots. Miguel then proceeded to ask a series of questions,for example,"Would you eat a gallon of lemon ice cream?" We then had to each decide what sign we wanted to stand under. Si, para mi/ Si para los demas which means yes for me and yes for anyone else. Yes for me, no for others-No for me but yes for others and the final- No for me and no for others. The questions became more intense within moments. "Would you have sex before marriage?" "Would you kiss someone of the same sex?" "Would you kiss someone of the same sex with an open mouth?" Would you sleep in the same bed with someone of the same sex?" "Would you sleep with someone in the same bed who had HIV?" "Would you have sex with someone that had HIV?" And there it was. We were all choosing sides. In but a moment, we let one another know exactly how we felt about some delicate topics by simply choosing where we stood. Miguel would then ask people from each group to explain why they chose the section they did. There was a lot of shyness and a lot of different reasons why someone did or did not believe that it was okay for people that are the same sex to make out. I managed to stay in the Yes for me and yes for anyone else side the whole time (apart from the lemon ice cream question that is). But. We all have different experiences. We all have different histories, cultures and god only knows, we all come from unique families. That being said, I understand why four other women and myself were the only ones standing under the sign that said "yes for myself and yes for others" when the question "Would you sleep with someone who had HIV?" was asked. I understand that for many in that room, there is a lot of fear. I also understand how even if one felt contrary wise, one wouldn't want to choose something they felt their peers would give them flack about later. It can be difficult to be true to yourself. I felt awkward. I was afraid of what people might say. The weird new intern who says she was a baker but made us oatmeal rocks... would SLEEP IN THE SAME BED WITH SOMEONE WHO HAD HIV!! But I knew why I was there. It took a moment, but only a moment to feel confident and comfortable with my choice. I know that if my partner had HIV I would continue to love him/her, sleep with him/her, support him/her, etc. I know that had I not had the support and love from my friends and family at some crucial points in my life, I might very well not be here today. Still, I understand why some of the promotores decided to scuttle to the side of the room that said "Not for me, not for anyone." We are complicated creatures and we need a lot more understanding than judgement when it comes to our stories. The rest of today, I have been distracted thinking of the welfare of a very dear friend who is in the midst of a difficult and long labor. We are sending well wishes and loving energy your way. We love you Chanin, we love you Kenny.

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