Saturday, March 23, 2013
Friday, March 22, 2013

Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Working on the final presentation. Wow. It's a lot of information and a lot of work but I think it will be pretty okay once it's sent off! If any of you wonderful friends, family, and supporters are interested in the final product, please let me know and I can send you a link to the power point. After working for a solid 4 hours this morning, I needed to wrench myself away from the computer screen and take a little walk around. Some observations - "Men at Work" blasting from a neighbors window...two dogs trying to procreate in an alley while the propane truck drove by blasting it's theme song...three visually impaired people leading one another in a line down the street until they bumped into a tamale stand...I tripped because I was watching them...more than 100 people gathered inside and outside one of the churches at 11am on a Tuesday...a teeny tiny little girl carrying a teenier puppy that she could barely hold...gorditas, peanuts, soy nuts, jicama, elote, tamales, papaya, watermelon, piña, coconut, and churros on every corner on almost every street...a woman using a machete to peel napolitas...a man carrying a bundle of roses that was bigger than him...the smell of roasted chicken, hot concrete, and fermented juice. Yes!
Saturday, March 16, 2013
It rained last night! For most of our Portland friends, I can only imagine what they would think about this news. It was a treat for us though. It's very, very dusty and dry here. This means we have the glory (and it is) of the sun every day as well as the challenge of breathing in clouds of dirt. So today, the earth was just a little more damp and we walked to Mexiquito breathing in clear air. By the time we arrived most of the boys were already off and away riding their bike of choice.
Ted kept busy with the other volunteers fixing flat tires and bike chains and lowering or raising bicycle seats. I spent most of my time talking to two little girls that were hanging out while their fathers were doing some construction. They were four and five and wanted to make it clear that they were cousins and not sisters. They also wanted to know how old I was, if Ted and I were married, and what I would name a child if I were to have one. I laughed at their small inquisition and asked them to tell me their favorite names so that I would have some inspiration. I heard "Sofia" "Maribel" "Estephanie" "Ana Marie" and "David" for a boy. Then they decided that they each really needed to ride a bike so I asked the head coordinator of the bike program if that would be possible given they weren't actually residents of the orphanage and they were given the go ahead. It was pretty dang sweet.
Soccer was a little different this week. Mike, the guy from the states that initiated the program, left last week to go back and take care of visa stuff. All of the boys kept asking where the other "maestro" was and we were brutally reminded of how important consistency is in the lives of these kids. We have been told that many of the kids have parents that are alive but can't afford to keep them. Again, I have no concept of how this would feel and can only imagine the issues of trust each one of these kids might have with adults in their lives. The beautiful mothers of Mexiquito are there for them every day, but there are only five of them and they have a lot of work. There are volunteers that come, but some for just small amounts of time. I felt saddened today at what my own limitations are and will be. I recognized the fragility in the boys today. Many of them cycle through a bevy of emotions in 30 minutes time and it's difficult to identify how to work with each child according to their needs. There are language and cultural differences as well. One little guy was really struggling today, bursting into fits of anger and lashing out at any adult or child around him. At first I felt defensive, for myself and the others. Then I remembered that I have no clue as to what this young being has experienced. What he needs is care and empathy. I can work to give him that, even if it is for a short amount of time. Before we all parted ways today I asked him if he wanted a hug and he agreed, leapt into my arms (he's really heavy) and gave me a kiss.
He had a hard time letting go and so did I.
Friday, March 15, 2013
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Monday, March 11, 2013

Saturday, March 9, 2013
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
In our morning trainings today, I was lucky enough to be able to watch one of the most amazing and bizarre informational videos I have ever seen - and I am pretty sure that has ever been made. The topic was quite serious - molestation. The storytelling conceit? Monkey puppets. There was the bad monkey, the one who was inappropriately touching the other monkey. This was met with some laughter by the promotores, but more seriousness than one might expect. At a certain point in the video, the monkeys stop, and break into song. Onto the screen flash animated "genitalia." We sat together listening to - "los genitalias les gusta amor"or, genitals like to be cared for. It went on to instruct us on good washing practice, with a smiling vagina, bow in hair, and a penis with a face singing away. I couldn't help but think of a kid coming home from school, met at the door by mom or dad asking, "so what did you learn in school today?"
One thing that I haven't mentioned yet is how great/common the snack/junk food is here. All manner of cookie and crackers, ice cream and candy can be found in even the smallest of aborrates, or tiny convenience store. Most days I just nod at the temptation and then walk on. But today was one of those days that, after work, after being tired, a bunch of goodies just found their way into my bolsa. Oops! Oh well. Its cultural exploration. Although, Ritz crackers are pretty much the same anywhere. In seriousness, there are really quality bakeries here, with a surprising selection of treats - many different cookies and pastries, most of which I can't identify, so I have to take it on faith that they will be good. And, my friends, they always are. Today, a palmier, which is french I suppose, a donut (as good as anything I have gotten before), and a little cute swan shaped things, that as it turns out was filled with custard!!!

Monday, March 4, 2013
Another round of capacitaciones started today. These are the educational trainings that are given to the promotores before they go into the any of the local communities. These next few weeks they (and I) will be learning about the PESSANE program at CASA. To take from the CASA page,
"PESSANE was founded in 1992 with the goal of providing essential, age-appropriate, sexual and reproductive health education to teachers, parents, and students through interactive workshops in the Guanajuato state school system. The team provides orientation on sexuality, family planning, self-esteem, depression, substance abuse, and violence. PESSANE runs a popular annual summer program; its unique model aims to coach adolescents from all over the country and turn them into leaders in their own communities and schools."
This program is particularly inspiring to me in that one of the main goals is to encourage and foster youth education and leadership. As the coordinator for the program was explaining to the promotores today, it's one thing to talk about family planning with young people (which can provoke taboo subjects such as abortion or sexually transmitted diseases) with an older teacher or parent and quite another thing to talk with a peer counselor. It opens up the possibility for more open discussions and trust. Obviously when I was younger I would have chosen a peer to talk to about sex over any teacher or adult I know! This week we will also learn about PESSANES recycling program and community garden project. A wonderful way to round out my last few weeks here.

Saturday, March 2, 2013
Friday, March 1, 2013
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