Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Las mujeres. Today we shared an educational presentation on sexual diversity with some of the women at the prison in Celaya. The Colectivo 41 coordinators had already done the presentation on HIV along with the rapid tests last week with the women, but they requested that we return to talk about sexual diversity. There were five of us total. We each introduced ourselves and talked a little about our sexual orientation and preferences. We also talked about language. A few of the volunteers referred to themselves as "jotos," "maricones," and other derogatory terms aimed at people that are gay. They wanted to express how powerful language is. Now, there are many in the LGBTI community that are reclaiming derogatory terms so that they can shift the negative connotations. Nonetheless, they expressed that derogatory terms are still used in a hateful manner by people that are homophobic, and this use is never acceptable. The women were really cool. Many of them seemed very open minded, curious, and sincerely interested in learning more about terms and definitions that they were not previously aware of. When one of the volunteers pulled out the wooden penis that was our learning tool for safe sex practices, I learned a lot of fantastic new words and exclamations that I'll spare you all from for now... but they were good! The volunteers talked about ways to practice safe sex with men. The women were also shown how to practice safe sex with other women, something we all admitted, was never taught to us in school. The evaluations given to us by all the women that attended were very positive. Many of them wrote that there wasn't sufficient enough time, and that they wished the presentation could have been longer than the two hours we were given. I wish that we could return but I've gathered that it's not possible right now. So thankful for the time I have spent in Celaya, with the volunteers and coordinators. As for all of the people I met and conversed with that are currently residing in the prison I could not be more grateful. Many of them did not have to smile at me or talk to me or express any kindness at all. Why should they trust me, after all? Yet and still, I felt welcomed, and not by the guards, but by the prisoners. Today's food choice - a large container of fresh pineapple with chile and lime, guyaba ice cream, another green sauce tamale, and a sandwich with avocado and ham. Everything picante! A good night to you all.

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