Monday, February 25, 2013

The work week came a bit too quickly I'll admit, but nevertheless, I celebrated this morning with a brewed cup of coffee - not instant! It was very exciting and I realized how much I missed it. I participated in two events today in which I learned quite a bit more about CASA and it's programs. The first was a tour. The head coordinator of all the programs gave us all an example in Spanish of how we should lead tours for the visitors that come to CASA. Truth... I would need to record the tour and listen to the audio at least 150 times before I was able to execute a tour in Spanish for Spanish-speakers. Being a part of the sample tour and hearing the coordinators and promotores explain the programs was wonderful. I know that a lot of work is done at CASA. I know that many people are involved with all types of aspects in this organization. Still, during and after the tour, I found myself struck by a delirious awe at just how much labor it takes to run a non-profit. This is actually a good segue into the next event I was involved with (I actually pleaded to join) which was an interview for a new Executive Director. No easy task! The room for the interview was populated by ten staff members and the prospective applicant. The interview took two and a half hours. I had a difficult time understanding some of what was being said, but for the most part I was able to follow along. Interviews - a grueling thing to be sure. It's so difficult to be able to express oneself with sincerity while trying to hide one's nervousness at the same time! It's difficult to be able to address the concerns of ten different people. Still, you've got to do something! I realized that I could very well be in the position of the person I was was sitting across from today... very soon. How will I prove my strengths and capabilities? How will I prove that I have something to offer an organization or team of people that they can't function with out? To be continued!

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