Friday, February 1, 2013

Official date for first dance night!! Whooohooooo! February 15th, 8pm there will be dancing at CASA. The promotores, the counselors and coordinators and more will all come to raise money and dance for CASA. Names of some Dj's that will be present, get ready; Dj Jumper, Dj Panic, and Dj Cleopatra Mix!!! I'm really excited. I bought tickets for Ted and I even though there is another event that night for Colectivo 41 (cocktail party at someone's house)because I am ready to do some dancing. Today, I have officially lived in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico for a whole month. I have worked for CASA for a month. My feelings at this point are ineffable; too profoundly grateful to go into detail about. I just feel lucky that I have four months left (or more..hehehe) in order to continue forming closer relationships with the fantastic people I have met. This morning was the last promotore training. The doctor that had spoken to us a few weeks ago returned to address the group with answers to the questions the promotores had previously put to him. He said that almost all of the questions he had received in the "Bolsa Magica" or magic bag, were with regards to Cancer. So, he decided he would devote the entire morning's talk to Cancer. Ummmmm, never a super fun topic. Having directly experienced the loss of my father and so many other loved ones to various forms of cancer, it's not exactly the first thing I want to think about at 8:30 am. That being said, the concern that many of the youth counselors had surrounding the beast that is cancer was very moving. I'm really glad I was able to be there with them. Lots of question surrounding the ongoing mystery of what causes various forms of cancer. Concerns about lung cancer, prostate cancer, and breast cancer. The doctor was incredibly patient and kind. It can't be an easy thing to try and explain the complexities of cancer in an hour lecture but he managed to make an excellent go of it. Then the promotores went off to take their tests as I made my way to the office to write the beginning of many emails. I wrote to the five interns that CASA will accept for Summer 2013 to let them know they had been chosen. They don't even know, they can't possibly, qué maravilloso!

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