Monday, February 4, 2013

Today is a holiday here in San Miguel. It's the anniversary of the constitution tomorrow but it's being recognized today so as to give everyone a three day weekend. I think that's very kind. There has been an incredibly wonderful new development in our lives here - Ted is officially volunteering, by helping run futból games, every Saturday at the Hogar Casa Mexiquino, which is a boys orphanage. I go along with him to take pictures and shout support from the sidelines. The mini games were started by a guy from the U.S. named Mike. We met him one night through my IE3 contact here and within five minutes the idea was put forth for Ted and I to join in. This has been one of the best decisions we've made. There are two different groups of kids that play. The first are the little ones, ages from about 4 to 7. Then there are the "grandes" which are about 8-10 years. This last Saturday the "grandes" were really not into playing so it was just the smaller kids. Both Ted and Mike struggle with their Spanish, and the games are really informal (as in rules don't seem to apply too much), but the point is to have fun.
That we did. The kids went totally berzerk for Ted. Once they realized he was willing to be a human jungle gym and vessel for catching leaps into the air from an asphalt ledge, it was all over. A few of the boys kept returning to me so that they could climb into my lap and cuddle for awhile. I started scheming of ways that I could adopt them all - a feeling not uncommon to many, no doubt. The truth is that I can't stop thinking about them. It's a little haunting. Obviously I do not have the ability nor the wherewithal to adopt these children. I don't even know if would be a good idea if I could! I do feel that I can commit to spending time with them each week. Some things have become very simple as of late. Offer your love and respect. I think if one does that, even if things aren't okay, they really are okay.


  1. Love this post! These boys are so cute, and Ted is doing great job!!

  2. Thanks Shoko! Wish you guys could visit! Keep me posted on how you are!! We miss you all! xoxo
